
PVG Dog Show Announcement

We are pleased to announce that we are holding our first Dog Show as part of our Coronation Picnic Fun Event on Sunday 7th May in Pinner Village Gardens.

Registration will take place in the park for the Dog Show between 12 pm and 2 pm, it’s important to come on time for this as there is keen interest. Judging will commence at 2:30 pm.

1st, 2nd and 3rd in each category will be awarded rosettes and all entrants will be sent a certificate.
Entry is £1 per dog per category with funds raised going towards maintaining the park.  
The fun categories are:

  • The Waggiest Tail for all age dogs;
  • Be Good sit, down, stay – adult dogs;
  • Happy Puppy under 1 year.
  • Old Grey Whisker Test for dogs over 9 years;
  • Most Regal Promenade, where the handler must be in royal fancy dress, but not the dog.

The Friends of Pinner Village Gardens are all looking forward to the Coronation Event and Picnic and hope you are too. For further information on the overall event, please see our announcement here.

Coronation Picnic and Fun Event

The Friends of Pinner Village Gardens are finalising plans for the Coronation Picnic and Fun Event on Sunday 7 May.

The event will take place from 12 noon to 4 pm. There will be live music including Harrow Steel Band, children’s rides, stalls, and food. 

Understanding nature pond dipping will take place around 1.30 pm.

The Dog Show takes place at 2.30 pm and includes fun categories such as ‘Most Regal Promenade’ where the handler must be in royal fancy dress, but not the dog.

To take part in the Dog Show register in the park before 2 pm, £1 per category.  Other Categories are: Old Grey Whisker Test for dogs over 9 years; Be Good sit, down, stay adult dogs; Happy Puppy under 1 year; and the ‘Waggiest Tail’ for all.

There will be stalls and local trades participating for a donation towards the upkeep of Pinner Village Gardens.  The Friends of Pinner Village Gardens need to raise about £4,000 a year to keep the park looking lovely.  The Friends welcome donations of any size to help this work.

To volunteer for the event, apply to host a stall or if you have any questions Contact the Friends via our contact form here. Get your picnic packed for Sunday 7 May!

Update from the 2022 Annual General Meeting

The Friends of Pinner Village Gardens 2022 Annual General Meeting was held on Monday evening at the Pinner Arms near the park. We had nineteen attendees for the proceedings, which covered diverse points such as the membership pricing, mowing regime, changes to the constitution, the plans for interpretation panels for the ridge and furrow field and of course this year’s committee election.

As part of the review of the constitution of Friends of Pinner Village Gardens, changes were voted in with immediate effect to revise the election period for committee members from one year to three, modify the Junior Ambassador position to become a new general Committee Member 3 and bring in a formal co-opting process so that committee positions can more easily become filled between AGMs should they become vacant.

It was proposed that membership rates should increase for the first time since the formation of the Friends, going from £5 to £10 for a yearly membership, and £50 to £100 for a lifetime membership. While existing Friends on yearly memberships will remain on the current pricing, they will be written to in order to advise them of this change.

It is the objective that memberships should pay for the ongoing maintenance of the park, which is estimated to be around £2000 a year. Special projects, such as park improvements will come from further donations and by seeking grants through awarding bodies.

The votes were held to elect the new committee, including a new chair following the departure of Antonia Savvides earlier this year.

  • Chairperson – Dodie Melville-Riddell
  • Treasurer – Stephen Spiro
  • Secretary – Brian Chapman
  • Communications Lead – Sarah Brook
  • Education and Environmental Advisor – Simon Braidman
  • Landscape Advisor – Natalia Kuznetsova
  • Volunteer Coordinator – Jonathan Freedman
  • Committee member 1 – Helen Ryan
  • Committee member 2 – Jackie Lindop
  • Committee member 3 – Glyn Watkins

The posts of Event Coordinator and Funding Coordinator remain vacant. If you are interested in assisting the Friends in those roles, please do get in touch with us at

Dodie will be well known to our volunteers and frequent visitors to the park and has been co-opted onto the Committee for most of the last year as Volunteer Coordinator. She has been in particular leading on the design of the new planting scheme for the Hereford Gardens entranceway. We would also like to welcome back Jonathan Freedman to the post of Volunteer Coordinator, who is another very familiar face to all those in the park frequently.

Pinner Village Gardens junior parkrun has now begun!

The long-awaited Pinner Village Gardens junior parkrun has now begun 5 years after it was first discussed at a meeting of the Friends of Pinner Village Gardens committee. At last! It took extensive planning, several meetings, fundraising and a major pandemic interruption but here we are.

As a reminder, the event takes place every Sunday morning at 9 am, it’s a 2km course for children between the ages of 4 and 14 though accompanying adults can take part but will not have a time recorded. So far (as of 28th February), three official events have taken place with growing numbers of children and adults taking part. The small organising team of local community members have been working hard at getting the event ready for our children to enjoy in a safe environment and each week spend several hours in preparation.

The organising team recognise the event has also been made possible due to the effort and generosity of so many people, particularly that of the committee and members of the Friends of Pinner Village Gardens, local community groups and businesses.

It was the Friends of Pinner Village Gardens who went about raising the majority of the £4,000 needed to establish the event. A huge thanks go out to Antonia Saviddes and Jaykishan Vala for their amazing fundraising efforts. Major donations came from the Friends of Pinner Village GardensPinner AssociationShanly FoundationCheeky Chums, PMC PinnerCarters ChemistsIdeal Fish BarPaige and PetrookSmart GuysAnana Health and BeautyHappy Day Hallmark and Diamond Hair Design as well as several individuals who made vital contributions.

As the event continues to attract new participants, it has become clear the junior parkrun is becoming a true community and social gathering as well as providing fun and health benefits for our children. So please do come along and join in, bring your children or just come along for the fun, perhaps help out by volunteering!

The Pinner Village Gardens junior parkrun website link is below. Check it out for further information, results and volunteering opportunities: .

Also the Facebook page for regular updates:

Junior Parkrun Has Launched

We are happy to bring you all some fantastic news. The Pinner Village Gardens Junior Parkrun has now begun, with an invitational test event taking place last Sunday morning. We have to give thanks to Glyn Watkins, one of the FoPVG Committee members, for leading this initiative on our behalf. Also, a very special thanks go out to all the volunteers who have made this possible so far, as well as all those who donated to make this happen.

The Junior Parkrun test event last Sunday

The Junior Parkrun is a 2-kilometre course around the park and is open to children aged between 4 and 14, alongside their family/carers. It will take place every Sunday in the Park at 9 am. Please come along and give it a try, it’s great to improve your fitness and to compete against your personal best time.

Further information is available on our internal Parkrun page here.

In order to take part, you will need to pre-register at the Parkrun website. More details are available here.

We look forward to seeing you all there, and if anyone would like to assist by becoming a race marshall, then please do get in touch with Glyn or Emma at the email addresses at the bottom of this page.

Winter Tales and Bird Walk

We are pleased to announce two upcoming events for families and children.

We are pleased to be joined by Claudia Mernick and Pippa Reid for The Mayor’s Golden Boots and other Winter Tales, a storybook session that will take place on Sunday, 6th February at 11 am near the climbing rock within the park, under a marquee. Suitable for families and children of all ages.

Tickets are required for Winter Tales, and we request a donation towards FoPVG to cover organisational costs. Sessions are limited to only 10, and tickets can be reserved at

We are also pleased to announce a bird walk to be conducted by Ian Jackson from Pinner RSPB. This will be taking place on Friday, 18th February between 10 am and midday. Warm, dark coloured clothes are recommended and if you have your own binoculars then that will be helpful. Ian will take you on a walk around the park, looking out for the birds you might otherwise overlook. Meet at the Whittington Way entrance.

Junior Parkrun Update

As we’re sure you’ll already know, we are seeking to bring a Junior Parkrun to Pinner Village Gardens. This is a weekly run for children aged between four to fourteen across a 2-kilometre route set out in the park. With thanks to those generous donations, the startup fund of £4,000 was raised to enable this to take place.

To reflect the imminent status of the start of the parkrun, we have added a specific page to our menu which can be seen here. This will be updated with the current status of the project, and right now we’re encouraging those who have not already done so, to sign up to take part at:

Initially, we will run a small scale pilot event to test our equipment, course suitability and most importantly………. our preparation! If successful, we plan to go live the following week.

We’ll publicise the start date on social media and personal communications. We’ll also keep the Junior Parkrun details in our event calendar which can be found here.

We are currently creating a list of fantastic volunteers who are happy to help out on the occasional Sunday. Our parkrun needs 14 volunteers each week to enable it to operate. If you feel you could spare an hour of your time, please do contact either:

Glyn Watkins –

Emma Rackham –

We hope to see you at the Junior Parkruns once they begin!

Tackling Climate and Nature Emergencies

Banner for the event

All Friends and visitors are invited to join representatives of Harrow Council, Thames 21, Harrow Go Green and the Newton Farm School at a meeting over Zoom on Tuesday 16 November at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be to discuss how to go about tackling the climate and nature emergencies, but at a local level within Harrow. These issues will be on the minds of many in the community with the ongoing discussions at COP26 in Glasgow.

At FoPVG we take these issues very seriously and have worked for many years to balance the competing interests of nature projects in our park. We are very fortunate in FoPVG to have Simon Braidman on our Committee, who is also one of the co-founders of Harrow Nature Heroes is also the site manager and one of the wardens for Stanmore Common Local Nature Reserve. If you have any ideas on how best we can work to achieve the collective goals within the climate and nature work within our area, please do get in touch via our contact form here.

Visit by David Simmons MP to PVG

Five people standing in a row during David Simmons MP's visit to PVG.

Earlier today, volunteers from the Friends of Pinner Village Gardens welcomed David Simmons, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Ruislip, Northwood and Pinner, to the park where he joined us for one of our working parties. Cllr Simmons has been the Conservative MP for the constituency since 2019.

During his visit, he was able to see the work recently completed on the new stone raised bed at the Rayners Lane entrance, which was designed to mirror the bed installed during the 1930s at the Whittington Way entrance and bring a sense of symmetry to the park.

He subsequently praised the beauty of the park on Twitter, where he posted a selfie with the mural near the Rayners Lane entrance. The Friends funded this mural during the pandemic, with members voting on the chosen design. We would like to thank David for his kind words about the park, and for taking the time to visit us earlier.

For further details on how to join our working parties, please see our volunteers page here.

Park Improvements at Rayners Gate

Recent visitors to the park may have seen works started near the entrance leading onto Rayners Lane/Marsh Road. This is part of the improvements to the grassy “roundabout” in the middle of the path. The area was previously used as the location for the park sign, which the Friends have since had moved to outside the park.

An artist’s impression of the completed project

This location will feature a raised bed within a low stone wall. This is with the intention of mirroring the 1930’s design already in place at the entrance leading from Whittington Way. It will feature new planting and flowers, and a series of raised sculptural elements reminiscent of wild clematis seed heads. These are metal and sprayed with a coating that will encourage them to rust so as to bring additional colour to the area.

Examples of the intended raised elements

As always, a lot of thanks to all those involved in this project. Including both those who have generated the funds, and those volunteers who are completing the work on behalf of the Friends. This is part of an overall plan to bring Pinner Village Gardens in line with the Green Flag Award. Further information can be seen on that Award here.

Examples of a selection of the planting at the new raised bed

Other larger-scale park improvements have also been proposed at the Hereford Gardens entrance, which can be seen here.